Marius Gjersø is a trumpeter, composer, conductor and artist based in Oslo, Norway. After attaining his degree at the highly acknowledged NMH in Oslo, he has spent more than a decade playing trumpet and working as a musician in all aspects of the industry. He creates wonderful soundscapes combining trumpet sounds and electronica, while adding creative visuals to his live-concept.


Some time before embarking on the journey of making this album, Marius Gjersø travelled to Japan to explore the incredible amounts of powdered snow in the mountainous northern region of the land of the rising sun Though the skiing was reportedly amazing, what made the most lasting impact was his meeting with Japanese culture, way of being and esthetics. Much later, when devising these pieces, it became apparent that the impressions from the east were still vibrantly alive.

These nine soulful pieces of electroacoustic improvisation weaves fabrics of diverse textures and tactility, providing Gjersø with a perfect starting point for his improvised trumpet lines. It’s like these timeless pieces of music have no beginning and no end, they have always been there ready to be discovered. Marius Gjersø has just been the medium to transpose these cosmic vibes onto a record transcending time and space.

On «Yūgen», the multi-faceted electronics and Gjersøs silky trumpet tone immerses the listener in what can be viewed as a series of different Japanese hot springs, each with a different sentiment, colour and energy. Take the absolute serenity of «Furusato» as opposed to the vibrant liveliness of the title track. Or how the musical equivalent of Panoramic views of the Niseko mountain range which we meet in «Mono no aware», are contrasted with intimate interplay with Kaja Fjellberg Pettersens cello in «Akogare». Every step of the way led with clarity and conviction by Gjersøs soft brass tone, developed over years studying this unquestionably nordic way of playing the trumpet.

This album is the product of a mature artist finally emerging into bloom, like cherry blossoms in spring.

- Svein Magnus Furu